Transmission types

What is an Automatic transmission truck?

Basically, an automatic truck is the same as the cars you have at home. Select drive or reverse, put your foot on the accelerator and the truck moves away.  If a licence is obtained with this type of transmission, then the licence holder will have a 'B' condition placed on their licence alongside the licence class obtained. This 'B' condition restricts the licence holder from operating a Road Ranger or crash box type Heavy Vehicle.


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What is a 'Synchromesh' transmission truck?

Basically, these are the same as a manual car but generally have a lot more gears. There are synchronisers in the transmission that help engage the gears. Put the clutch in, select your gear, truck to friction point and move away. If a licence is obtained with this type of transmission, then the licence holder will have a 'B' condition placed on their licence alongside the licence class obtained. This 'B' condition restricts the licence holder from operating a Road Ranger or crash box type Heavy Vehicle.

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What is a ‘Road Ranger’ type transmission truck?

A Road Ranger type transmission goes by a lot of names. Crash box, constant mesh and N- speed (where ‘N’ is how many forward gears are in the transmission). For example 18-speed, 15-speed etc. These types of transmission require the operator’s skill to match the correct gear, with the correct engine revolutions and to match it with the vehicles road speed. Basically, the driver is the transmission’s ‘synchroniser’! If a licence is obtained with this type of transmission, then the licence holder will have no restrictions placed on their licence.

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